Beyond mind-stuff
Meet like-hearted human beings at the GardenOfFriends.com
to clarify/risk/dis-cover that your true nature is always whole and complete.

Happiness is yOur birthright
It requires a little humility and humor to debunk our suffering and misconceptions.
We seem to prefer familiar misery over liberating uncertainty.

This is a non-profit website
The best things in life are free!
Your support/gift is not expected, but appreciated.
It will buy us some time saving the world (-;
“The spiritual path is not a solo endeavor.
In fact, the very notion of a self who is trying to free her/himself is a delusion.
We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness.”

Life is more than being busy and paying bills…
Feel welcome to share your words, your love for life, your time/resources…
for something we don’t know yet:
Let’s not waste this precious opportunity to outgrow our own “I don’t like this” and rise beyond our personal limitations.